Services Offered By Nagar Palika Parishad, Modinagar

The people residing in Nagar Palika Parishad, Modinagar can avail following services. Most of these services are available online.

Pay Property Tax Online Service

The person who wants to pay the property tax online should open the official website of Nagar Palika Parishad, Modinagar, and choose the link to pay the property tax. The steps to pay the property tax are given here.

  1. Open the Nagar Palika Parishad, Modinagar website.
  2. Then, log in to your account, by providing personal information related to you and your property.
  3. Select the type of property and year.
  4. Provide property ID, name of the owner, and write other information.
  5. Then, check the property details.
  6. Choose the method of payment.
  7. Do the payment and don’t forget to print the challan.

RTI Service

People who are curious to know about something can apply for RTI as in India we have the Right to Information Act. There is some information that is kept hidden by the govt of India and we can not apply to get that information through RTI. The works of RTI Service are given here.

  • To check the documents, and records and inspect the work.
  • To extract the copies of documents from the records.
  • To collect certified samples of the information.
  • To collect the information in the form of printouts, tapes, videos, etc.
  • Inspect Works, Documents, Records.

How to apply for RTI?

We have given the steps below if you want to apply for RTI.

  1. You can apply for RTI online or offline.
  2. You can choose the medium Hindi or English or you can choose the official language of the area.
  3. Then, write the PIO- Particulars Of The Information Sought For.
  4. Then, mention the reason why you want this information.
  5. Now, pay the fees to get the information through RTI.

E-tendering Service

The tendering process when managed online, is called an e-tedering service. The advertisement of tenders is done online. The people will receive bids online, they evaluate the bids online and the contracts are awarded online.

Benefits of e-tendering

  • The online process of tendering has made the process fast and efficient.
  • The online system has transparency and the competition among the suppliers has increased.
  • The online process is cost-saving.
  • The online process of tendering has improved the visibility of the people.
  • People can make good decisions using the online tendering system. 

AMRUT Service

The AMRUT scheme was started in 2015 by PM Narendra Modi. The scheme was started to develop the urban areas and to establish the infrastructure. This project focuses on Sewerage Networks And Water Supply. AMRUT’s full form is the State Annual Action Plan Under Atal Mission For Rejuvenation And Urban Transformation.

The Rajasthan state was the first state to submit the annual action plan under AMRUT. On the day when the AMRUT was launched, PM Modi also launched the Housing for All. The Housing for All and several other schemes are related to the AMRUT like Swachh Bharat Mission and others.

Online Birth / Death Certificate Service

The people of the city can apply for the birth and death certificates online. In this case, you can go to the official website of the NPP Modinagr, it is called as CRS system – Civil Registration System. The steps to apply for the birth and death certificate are given below.

  1. Visit the official website of NPP Modinagar.
  2. Click on the link of the Birth/Death Registration.
  3. Fill out the details in the application form.
  4. Submit the application form.

Public Grievance Redress System Service

It is a web based platform for the citizens of the city that they can have the option to file grievance to the govt online. The working of this service is given here. 

  • The online portal is open 24/7, the people can file the grievances at any time.
  • This portal sent the grievances request to the specific protal related to the issue.
  • The person can track the grievances using the registration ID.
  • There is an option to appeal the grievances if the person is not satisfied with the solution. 

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