Modinagar is a city in the Ghaziabad. It falls in the Uttar Pradesh state of India. The distance of Modinagar is 24 KM from Ghaziabad city and it is 48 KM from Delhi. The Modinagar comes under the NCR region- National Capital Region.
The city was established in 1933 by Gujarmal Modi. He was the founder of the Modi Group of Industries. This is 45 KM northeast of New Delhi. The Modinagar city is located on national highway 58. The Modinagar city is famous for the Modi Enterprises. Few past years set up Modi Nagar as an educational hub.
Modinagar city has inaugurated many educational institutes in a few years. The city is valued for the closeness of the city to Delhi. The city is covered under the Delhi Meerut Regional Transit System. Modinagar city is connected by the Delhi Meerut Expressway which is NE 3.
Boundaries of Modinagar
The Modinagar city is located with latitude of 280 50′ north and longitude of 770 35′ east. The city is 25 KM northeast of the city of Ghaziabad. The Modinagar city is linked to Delhi-Mussoorie National Highway /NH-58. Alongside this, a road runs the Delhi-Saharanpur section of the Northern Railway.
There is a road towards the Hapur from the Modinagar city. The city has a Modinagar Railway station in between the railway stations of Meerut and Ghaziabad. At the Modinagar railway station, most of the major trains run like general passenger trains.
Economics of Modinagar
The economy of Modinagar depends on the Modi Enterprises. There are many sugar mills in Modinagar. The city has the environment best for the agriculture of fruits and vegetables. As Modinagar is near Delhi, it become the hub of the technology industry.
Demographics of Modinagar
The total population of Modinagar city is 475843 as per the data of 2006. The sex ratio of the Modinagar city is 930 females and 1070 males. 53.3% of the population of Modinagar City is male and 46.7% of the population of Modinagar City is female. The literacy rate of Modinagar city is 86.75%. The literacy rate of Ghaziabad city is 84.78%. The male literacy rate is 90% and the female literacy rate is 78%.
In Modinagar, there are 93.45% Hindu and 6.05% Muslims. 15.67% population of Modinagar is below the age of 6 years. Jat is the largest community of Modinagar. The second largest community of Modinagar is SC/ST. Brahamins comes in the third largest community of Modinagar. 160050 are Jats, 53015 are SC/ST, 52050 are Brahmins, out of these Brahmins, 28050 are Tyagis, 38950 are Rajputs, 22293 are Muslims, 18432 are Gujars, 14093 are Baniyas, 14093 are Gadariyas, 20076 are Prajapati, Saini & Bhumihar.
The most spoken language of Modinagar is Khadi Boli. 77.52% of people speak Khadi Boli. The official language of Modinagar is Hindi. The other languages of Modinagar are Urdu and Punjabi. There are speakers of other languages too in the areas which are near Delhi.
University & Colleges in Modinagar
Modinagar has recently become the education hub by having many colleges in the area. Modinagar has Dr. KN Modi Institute of Engineering and Technology, KNGD Modi Engineering College, Centre for Management Development, Dr KN Modi Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, and Multanimal Modi College.
Rail Network in Modinagar
Modinagar has Delhi- Meerut RRTS. It is an 82.15 KM long under-construction railway network. It is a semi-high-speed rail that will connect Delhi, Ghaziabad, and Meerut. This network is partly operational such as the section from Sahibabad to Modinagar North is working since October 2023.
Government and politics of Modinagar
Manju Shiwach won the election in 2022 from the BJP side, Bhartiya Janta Party. Modinagar is working as Tehsil. The top chair officers of the city are the Sub Divisional Magistrate and the Circle Officer of Police.
Population of Modinagar Tehsil
Title | Rural Area | Urban Area | Total Numbers |
Total Population | 296176 people | 341309 people | 637485 people |
Male Population | 158479 males | 181395 males | 339874 males |
Female Population | 137697 females | 159914 females | 297611 females |
Population Density | 1542 per square KM | 4792 per square KM | 2421 per square KM |