The people who reside in Modinagar need to apply for a dog license if they want to have a dog. The proposal for the dog license was presented in the council meeting held on 21 September 2019, vide number 253. There are some terms and conditions for the people who want a dog in Modinagar. Here, we will elaborate on the process to apply for a dog license in Modinagar and what are the terms & conditions.
Dog License fee
The people who want to own a dog are needed to pay the license fee each year. In Modinagar, the license fee for the dog owner each year is Rs 1000. The fee should be paid in April each year.
Renewal of dog license
The process of renewal of a dog license is given below.
- The govt will issue the dog license for one year only.
- The dog license will automatically expire on 31 March.
- The validity time of the dog license will be from 01 April to 31 March each year.
- The Municipal commissioner will look at the condition of the dog and if he is satisfied with the dog’s condition at the owner’s house, he will think about renewing the dog’s license.
- The govt will demand the vaccination record of the dog and the record should be from a registered veterinarian.
- The renewal process for the dog license is one month time from 01 April to 30 April.
- If a person forgets to apply for the renewal of the dog license, he can apply from 30 April to 31 May, but here, the govt will charge an extra fine of Rs 500 along with the fee of Rs 1000.
- If the owner forgets to apply before 31 May, the govt will charge a fine of RS 50 per day.
Terms of dog license
The people are bound to below given terms and conditions if they want to have a dog.
- The person who adopts a dog, they are bound to inform the municipal commissioner within 15 days of the ownership of the dog.
- The owners are not allowed to leave the dog unattended in public areas like they can not leave their dogs on parks, streets, roads, etc.
- The dog must be comfortable with the owner, there should be no disturbance from the dog to the neighborhood.
- The people can not run dog breeding centers at their homes.
- The commercial sale or purchase of dogs at the house should not affect the neighbors.
- If a person gives the dog to another person, he has to inform the municipal corporation and it needs to transfer the dog license to the name of the other person.
- If a dog dies, in that case also, you need to inform the govt.
- The time given to inform both activities is 15 days.